What is it? 

From October 2022 a new Enhanced Access service began to be delivered at a PCN level. 
This new service sees local GP Practices (Primary Care Networks) working together to offer patients evening and weekend appointments. This in turn means you are able to access a healthcare professional at a time more convenient for you. 
Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are required to provide Enhanced Access appointments between the hours of 6.30pm to 8pm Monday to Friday and between 9am – 5pm on a Saturday. As the Enhanced Access service is delivered at a PCN level – not every practice will be open during those hours. 


Our Enhanced Access clinics are delivered from one central location on a Saturday – Two Steeples Medical Centre. There is also a mixture of remote consultation and face to face appointments available to all registered patients at each of the six practices within the PCN during weekday mornings before 8am and evenings after 6:30pm, with these appointments taking place during evenings and Saturdays. 
How can I book an appointment? 
Your GP practice will offer you an appointment at the PCN Enhanced Access if one is available with our range of healthcare professionals including remote GP, HCA, Nurses and Phlebotomists depending on your needs. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Will the health care professional have access to my medical records? 
Yes, your practice is a part of Oadby & Wigston PCN therefore our PCN clinical system provides access medical records. 
How can I cancel an appointment if I no longer wish to attend? 
Please contact your registered GP Practice and they will be able to cancel your appointment and re-arrange this if you wish. 
Are clinicians able to prescribe medications or refer to hospital, if necessary? 
Yes, our clinicians can do both if this is the appropriate course of action.